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微信扫一扫 联系专属客户经理


微信扫一扫 联系专属客户经理

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微信扫一扫 联系专属客户经理

阿波罗 Proxy隐私政策

阿波罗 Proxy隐私政策

阿波罗 Privacy Policy







5.我们如何使用 Cookie 及相关技术






阿波罗 Proxy隐私政策


感谢您选择和使用阿波罗 Proxy服务。

出于方便您注册、登录并使用阿波罗 Proxy相关服务的目的,我们将可能会采集、保存、使用、共享您的信息。阿波罗 Proxy非常重视对您的信息保护,我们将根据法律法规要求,采取对应的安全保护措施。我们将通过本《阿波罗 Proxy隐私政策》(以下简称"本协议")来向您解释与说明,在您使用阿波罗 Proxy提供的产品、服务时,我们如何收集、使用、保管和共享您的信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、控制和保护这些信息的方法。

除阿波罗 Proxy另有说明或与您另有约定外,本隐私政策中的术语涵义与《阿波罗 Proxy服务协议》中所用术语相同。

请您仔细阅读本协议。在您以在线勾选等任何方式确认接受本协议时或您使用阿波罗 Proxy服务时,即视为您已充分阅读、理解并同意接受本协议的约束,本协议即在您与阿波罗 Proxy之间发生法律效力。


1.1 本协议仅适用于阿波罗 Proxy(以下或称"我们"或"阿波罗 Proxy")提供的产品和服务功能(以下简称"服务")

1.2本协议同样适用于因阿波罗 Proxy基于产品发展进行升级更新的服务和功能,包括但不限于网站、接口、定制程序以及随技术发展出现衍生产品和服务。

1.3 本协议适用于您注册、使用阿波罗 Proxy时所提交的所有信息、资料,以及阿波罗 Proxy为了向您提供服务而收集的信息。

1.4 本协议不适用于其他第三方提供的产品/服务,比如您通过阿波罗 Proxy网站获取、使用第三方提供的产品/服务,上述您与第三方建立的法律关系所需确认的服务协议、使用政策以及其他信息,需您与服务商另行确定。

1.5 若我们提供的某项产品/服务有单独的隐私政策(包括其对应的各类协议中存在的特别约定),则该产品/服务的隐私政策及特殊约定将优先适用,该产品/服务隐私政策未约定或约定不明且不存在特别约定的,则以本协议内容为准。


2.1 您知晓并同意,我们将会通过以下几种方式收集您的信息:

2.1.1 在注册阿波罗 Proxy账号时,您主动提交的邮箱信息、手机号码信息、实名信息,设置、确认登录密码等。

2.1.2 在特殊情况下,您委托并授权我们的员工或者合作伙伴代您上传、提交的相关信息,例如您委托我们的客服人员填写、上传的您的相应信息。

2.1.3 您使用我们的服务过程中,我们主动收集的信息,包括但不限于:

(1) 操作记录,我们会接收并记录您使用阿波罗 Proxy服务的操作记录、日志记录及相关信息等。


2.2 如果您需要加入推广计划或成为阿波罗 Proxy商,需另行签署相关协议,为履行合同所必需,您应提供联系人、联系方式等必要信息。

2.3 您通过我们的客服或参加我们举办的活动时,所签署的合同等材料信息。

2.4 其他信息,例如咨询沟通记录。




3.1 向您提供服务。

3.2 实现本协议"我们收集的信息"约定的目的。

3.3 向您推送产品消息、阿波罗 Proxy动态等相关业务消息和商业广告。例如,阿波罗 Proxy可以通过您的手机号码、电子邮箱等联系方式以短信、电话、电子邮件等任何方式向您推送商业广告,宣传、推广阿波罗 Proxy服务。

3.4 邀请您参与有关我们产品和服务的调查。

3.5 完善、优化和提高阿波罗 Proxy在线服务。

3.6 根据法律法规或监管要求向相关部门进行报告。



4.1 共享 为了向您提供更完善、优质的产品/服务,我们可能将您的信息与我们的第三方合作伙伴共享。此时,我们会与合作伙伴签署严格的保密协定,要求他们按照我们的说明、本隐私政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理您的个人信息。除法律法规规定以及阿波罗 Proxy与您另有约定外,未经您同意,我们不会与任何无关第三方共享您的信息。 如果您拒绝我们的合作伙伴在提供服务时收集为提供服务所必须的个人信息,将可能导致您无法在我们的平台中使用该第三方服务。通常我们的合作伙伴有如下几类:

4.1.1 为我们的产品/服务提供功能支持的服务提供商:例如提供支付服务的支付机构。

4.1.2 信息推广和广告投放的合作伙伴:您确认我们有权与信息推广和广告投放的合作伙伴共享我们使用您的相关信息,集合形成的间接用户画像、去标识化或匿名化处理后的分析/统计类信息以及去标识化的用户设备识别码,以帮助其进行广告或决策建议、提高广告有效触达率、进一步了解用户需求。我们承诺:未经您的同意,我们不会与其共享可以识别您身份的个人信息。

4.2 转让 除获取您的明示同意外,我们不会将您的个人信息转让给任何公司、组织或个人。随着我们业务的持续发展,我们有可能进行分立、合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易,您的信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移。我们会向您告知接收方的名称或者姓名,并要求接收方继续受本隐私政策的约束。如接收方变更本隐私政策中约定的个人信息处理目的、处理方式,我们将要求接收方重新获取您的授权同意。

4.3 信息披露 除符合法律法规的规定进行公开披露或以下情形外,我们不会公开披露您未自行公开或者其他未合法公开的个人信息。以下情形除外。

4.3.1 经您事先同意,向第三方披露。

4.3.2 如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷。

4.3.3 根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机关的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机关披露。

4.3.4如您出现违反法律、法规或者阿波罗 Proxy服务协议或相关规则的情况,需要向第三方披露。


4.3.6 在阿波罗 Proxy的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易义务并提出信息披露请求的,阿波罗 Proxy有权决定向该用户提供其交易对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成交易的完成或纠纷的解决。

4.3.7 其它阿波罗 Proxy根据法律、法规或者网站政策认为合适的披露。

4.4 共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息的例外根据相关法律等规定,在以下情形中,我们可以不经您同意而共享、转让、公开披露您的信息:

4.4.1 提供"二、我们收集的信息"中的相应功能或服务所必需,以及出于"三、我们如何使用收集的信息"中的部分所述目的所必需。

4.4.2 履行我们在《阿波罗 Proxy服务协议》或本协议中的义务、行使我们的权利。

4.4.3 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需,例如与国家安全、国防安全、与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的法定职责或者法定义务。

4.4.4 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护自然人的生命健康和财产安全所必需。

4.4.5 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理个人信息。

4.4.6 用户自行向社会公众公开的个人信息。

4.4.7 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。

5.我们如何使用 Cookie 及相关技术

在您使用我们的产品/服务时,我们可能会使用Cookie和同类技术收集您的一些个人信息,例如您访问网站的习惯、浏览信息、登录信息等,我们使用 Cookie 的具体用途包括:

5.1 记住您的身份。例如:Cookie帮助我们辨认您作为我们的注册用户的身份,省去为使用我们服务而重复输入账号的步骤。

5.2 分析您使用我们服务的情况,了解您使用我们服务的具体用途、哪些网页或服务最受您的欢迎,以便为您提供更加周到的个性化服务。

5.3 您可以通过浏览器设置拒绝或管理 Cookie。但请注意,如果停用 Cookie,您有可能将无法正常使用我们的相关产品/服务或无法通过我们的产品/服务获得最佳的服务体验,某些功能的可用性可能会受到影响。

5.4本协议将同样适用于通过阿波罗 Proxy Cookie 记录的有关信息。


6.1我们会采取合理可行的措施,避免收集无关的用户信息。我们只会在达成本政策所述目的所需的期限内保留您的用户信息,除非受到法律的允许。超出上述用户信息保存期限后,我们会对您的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。 但在下列情况下,我们有可能需要较长时间保留您的信息或部分信息:

6.1.1 根据法律法规等有关规定我们应该长期保存。

6.1.2 法院生效判决、裁定或其他法律程序的要求我们长期保存。

6.1.3 行政、司法机关或其他有权机关要求我们长期保存。

6.1.4 为执行相关服务协议或本隐私政策、处理投诉/纠纷,或者是保护社会利益以及他人的人身和财产安全或其他合法权益所必需的。


7.1 为防止防信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权阅览或披露,我们将努力使用以下安全技术及措施以保障您的用户信息:


7.1.2 我们建立严格的管理制度和流程来确保信息的安全。例如,我们严格限制访问信息的人员范围,只有授权人员才可访问用户信息,并要求相关人员遵守保密义务。

7.1.3 若不幸发生用户信息安全事件(泄露、丢失等),我们会以发送电子邮件、推送通知、公告等形式及时向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,上报用户信息安全事件的处置情况。

7.2 为了更好地保护您的信息安全,我们建议您加强自我保护意识和措施。请您妥善保管自己的信息,避免泄露。我们仅在因阿波罗 Proxy过错直接导致您信息泄露的范围内承担责任。





9.2 重大变更包括但不限于:

9.2.1 我们的服务模式发生重大变化。如处理个人信息的目的、处理的个人信息类型、个人信息的使用方式等。

9.2.2 我们在所有权结构、组织架构等方面发生重大变化。如业务调整、破产并购等引起的所有者变更等。


9.2.4 您参与个人信息处理方面的权利及其行使方式发生重大变化。

9.2.5 我们负责处理个人信息安全的责任部门、联络方式及投诉渠道发生变化;

9.2.6 个人信息安全影响评估报告表明存在高风险时。



阿波罗 Proxy隱私協定


阿波罗 Proxy隐私政策

阿波罗 Privacy Policy












阿波罗 Proxy隱私協定


感謝您選擇和使用阿波罗 Proxy服務。

出於方便您注册、登入並使用阿波罗 Proxy相關服務的目的,我們將可能會採集、保存、使用、共亯您的資訊。 阿波罗 Proxy非常重視對您的資訊保護,我們將根據法律法規要求,採取對應的安全保護措施。 我們將通過本《阿波罗 Proxy隱私協議》(以下簡稱"本協定")來向您解釋與說明,在您使用阿波罗 Proxy提供的產品、服務時,我們如何收集、使用、保管和共亯您的資訊,以及我們為您提供的訪問、更新、控制和保護這些資訊的方法。

除阿波罗 Proxy另有說明或與您另有約定外,本隱私協定中的術語涵義與《阿波罗 Proxy服務協議》中所用術語相同。

請您仔細閱讀本協定。 在您以線上勾選等任何管道確認接受本協定時或您使用阿波罗 Proxy服務時,即視為您已充分閱讀、理解並同意接受本協定的約束,本協定即在您與阿波罗 Proxy之間發生法律效力。


1.1本協定僅適用於阿波罗 Proxy(以下或稱"我們"或"阿波罗 Proxy")提供的產品和服務功能(以下簡稱"服務")

1.2本協定同樣適用於因阿波罗 Proxy基於產品發展進行陞級更新的服務和功能,包括但不限於網站、介面、定制程式以及隨科技發展出現衍生產品和服務。

1.3本協定適用於您注册、使用阿波罗 Proxy時所提交的所有資訊、資料,以及阿波罗 Proxy為了向您提供服務而收集的資訊。

1.4本協定不適用於其他協力廠商提供的產品/服務,比如您通過阿波罗 Proxy網站獲取、使用協力廠商提供的產品/服務,上述您與協力廠商建立的法律關係所需確認的服務協定、使用政策以及其他資訊,需您與服務商另行確定。




2.1.1在注册阿波罗 Proxy帳號時,您主動提交的郵箱資訊、手機號碼資訊、實名資訊,設定、確認登入密碼等。



(1)操作記錄,我們會接收並記錄您使用阿波罗 Proxy服務的操作記錄、日誌記錄及相關資訊等。


2.2如果您需要加入推廣計畫或成為阿波罗 Proxy商,需另行簽署相關協定,為履行契约所必需,您應提供連絡人、聯繫方式等必要資訊。



隨著業務的發展,我們提供的產品功能和服務可能會有所調整和變化,若處理目的囙此發生變更,我們將再次向您進行說明,並征得您的同意。 以上資訊我們至少保留6個月以上,所有操作記錄均做完整日誌記錄,6個月後做永久封存。


為了向您提供優質、便捷、安全的服務,我們將收集的資訊用於以下用途。 若我們超出以下用途使用您的資訊,我們將再次向您進行說明,並征得您的同意。



3.3向您推送產品消息、阿波罗 Proxy動態等相關業務消息和商業廣告。 例如,阿波罗 Proxy可以通過您的手機號碼、電子郵箱等聯繫方式以簡訊、電話、電子郵件等任何管道向您推送商業廣告,文宣、推廣阿波罗 Proxy服務。


3.5完善、優化和提高阿波罗 Proxy線上服務。




4.1共亯 為了向您提供更完善、優質的產品/服務,我們可能將您的資訊與我們的協力廠商合作夥伴共亯。 此時,我們會與合作夥伴簽署嚴格的保密協定,要求他們按照我們的說明、本隱私政策以及其他任何相關的保密和安全措施來處理您的個人資訊。 除法律法規規定以及阿波罗 Proxy與您另有約定外,未經您同意,我們不會與任何無關協力廠商共亯您的資訊。 如果您拒絕我們的合作夥伴在提供服務時收集為提供服務所必須的個人資訊,將可能導致您無法在我們的平臺中使用該協力廠商服務。 通常我們的合作夥伴有如下幾類:


4.1.2資訊推廣和廣告投放的合作夥伴:您確認我們有權與資訊推廣和廣告投放的合作夥伴共亯我們使用您的相關資訊,集合形成的間接用戶畫像、去標識化或匿名化處理後的分析/統計類資訊以及去標識化的用戶設備識別碼,以幫助其進行廣告或決策建議、提高廣告有效觸達率、進一步瞭解用戶需求。 我們承諾:未經您的同意,我們不會與其共亯可以識別您身份的個人資訊。

4.2轉讓 除獲取您的明示同意外,我們不會將您的個人資訊轉讓給任何公司、組織或個人。 隨著我們業務的持續發展,我們有可能進行分立、合併、收購、資產轉讓或類似的交易,您的資訊有可能作為此類交易的一部分而被轉移。 我們會向您告知接收方的名稱或者姓名,並要求接收方繼續受本隱私政策的約束。 如接收方變更本隱私政策中約定的個人資訊處理目的、處理管道,我們將要求接收方重新獲取您的授權同意。

4.3資訊披露 除符合法律法規的規定進行公開披露或以下情形外,我們不會公開披露您未自行公開或者其他未合法公開的個人資訊。 以下情形除外。




4.3.4如您出現違反法律、法規或者阿波罗 Proxy服務協定或相關規則的情况,需要向協力廠商披露。


4.3.6在阿波罗 Proxy的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易義務並提出資訊披露請求的,阿波罗 Proxy有權决定向該用戶提供其交易對方的聯絡方式等必要資訊,以促成交易的完成或糾紛的解决。

4.3.7其它阿波罗 Proxy根據法律、法規或者網站政策認為合適的披露。



4.4.2履行我們在《阿波罗 Proxy服務協議》或本協定中的義務、行使我們的權利。








5.1記住您的身份。 例如:Cookie幫助我們辨認您作為我們的註冊用戶的身份,省去為使用我們服務而重複輸入帳號的步驟。


5.3您可以通過瀏覽器設定拒絕或管理Cookie。 但請注意,如果停用Cookie,您有可能將無法正常使用我們的相關產品/服務或無法通過我們的產品/服務獲得最佳的服務體驗,某些功能的可用性可能會受到影響。

5.4本協定將同樣適用於通過阿波罗 Proxy Cookie記錄的有關資訊。


6.1我們會採取合理可行的措施,避免收集無關的用戶資訊。 我們只會在達成本政策所述目的所需的期限內保留您的用戶資訊,除非受到法律的允許。 超出上述用戶資訊保存期限後,我們會對您的個人資訊進行删除或匿名化處理。 但在下列情况下,我們有可能需要較長時間保留您的資訊或部分資訊:







7.1.1我們採取各種合理的物理、電子和管理方面的安全措施來保護您的用戶資訊。 防止用戶資訊遭到未經授權訪問、公開披露、使用、修改、損壞或遺失。

7.1.2我們建立嚴格的管理制度和流程來確保資訊的安全。 例如,我們嚴格限制訪問資訊的人員範圍,只有授權人員才可訪問用戶資訊,並要求相關人員遵守保密義務。

7.1.3若不幸發生用戶資訊安全事件(洩露、遺失等),我們會以發送電子郵件、推送通知、公告等形式及時向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影響、我們已採取或將要採取的處置措施、您可自主防範和降低風險的建議、對您的補救措施等。 同時,我們還將按照監管部門要求,上報用戶資訊安全事件的處置情况。

7.2為了更好地保護您的資訊安全,我們建議您加强自我保護意識和措施。 請您妥善保管自己的資訊,避免洩露。 我們僅在因阿波罗 Proxy過錯直接導致您資訊洩露的範圍內承擔責任。


在您使用我們服務的過程中,您可以訪問、修改您的用戶資訊。 我們將依照法律法規要求或雙方約定收集、使用和存儲您的資訊。


9.1由於政策變化、業務調整、科技和服務的變更等原因,我們保留對本協定條款進行修訂的權利,該等修訂構成本協定的一部分。 我們將在更新後的本隱私協定生效前通過官網發佈等管道通知您。 通知後您繼續使用我們服務對,即表示您同意接受修訂後的內容。 我們不會削减您按照本協定所應享有的權利,除非經過您明確同意。 如果前述修訂可能造成您在本協定下的權利的實質性减少或重大變更,我們會再次徵求您的明示同意。


9.2.1我們的服務模式發生重大變化。 如處理個人資訊的目的、處理的個人資訊類型、個人資訊的使用管道等。

9.2.2我們在所有權結構、組織架構等方面發生重大變化。 如業務調整、破產並購等引起的所有者變更等。






如您對本協定或其他相關事宜有疑問,您可以將問題發送至我們的企業郵箱: ,我們將儘快稽核並處理所涉問題。

阿波罗 Proxy Privacy Policy

阿波罗 Privacy Policy


阿波罗 Proxy隐私政策

Catalog Overview

1.Scope of application of this agreement

2.Information we collect

3.How we use the collected information

4.Information We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose

5.How do we use cookies and related technologies

6.Information storage location and period

7.Information Security

8.How do you manage your own information

9.Changes to the agreement

10.Contact us

阿波罗 Proxy Privacy Policy

The latest update time of the agreement: August 23, 2023

Thank you for choosing and using the 阿波罗 Proxy service.

For the purpose of facilitating your registration, login and use of 阿波罗 Proxy-related services, we may collect, store, use and share your information.

阿波罗 Proxy attaches great importance to the protection of your information, and we will take corresponding security protection measures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We will use this "阿波罗 Proxy Privacy Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") to explain to you how we collect, use, store and share your information when you use the products and services provided by 阿波罗 Proxy, And the ways we provide you with accessing, updating, controlling and protecting this information.

Unless otherwise stated by 阿波罗 Proxy or otherwise agreed with you, the terms in this Privacy Agreement have the same meanings as those used in the 阿波罗 Proxy Service Agreement.

Please read this agreement carefully. When you confirm acceptance of this agreement by any means such as online ticking or when you use 阿波罗 Proxy services, it is deemed that you have fully read, understood and agreed to be bound by this agreement, and this agreement is between you and 阿波罗 Proxy legal validity.

1. Scope of application of this agreement

1.1 This agreement only applies to the products and service functions (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by 阿波罗 Proxy (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "阿波罗 Proxy")

1.2 This agreement also applies to services and functions that are upgraded and updated by 阿波罗 Proxy based on product development, including but not limited to websites, interfaces, customized programs, and derivative products and services that appear with technological development.

1.3 This agreement applies to all information and materials you submit when you register and use 阿波罗 Proxy, as well as information collected by 阿波罗 Proxy to provide services to you.

1.4 This agreement does not apply to products/services provided by other third parties. For example, you obtain and use products/services provided by third parties through the 阿波罗 Proxy website, and the above-mentioned service agreements and usage policies that need to be confirmed for the legal relationship between you and the third party and other information need to be determined separately by you and the service provider.

1.5 If a product/service we provide has a separate privacy policy (including special agreements in various agreements corresponding to it), the privacy policy and special agreement of the product/service will take precedence, and the privacy policy of the product/service will If the policy is not stipulated or the agreement is unclear and there is no special agreement, the content of this agreement shall prevail.

2.Information we collect

2.1 You know and agree that we will collect your information in the following ways:

2.1.1 When registering an 阿波罗 Proxy account, you voluntarily submit email information, mobile phone number information, real name information, set and confirm login password, etc.

2.1.2 Under special circumstances, you entrust and authorize our employees or partners to upload and submit relevant information on your behalf, such as your corresponding information that you entrust our customer service personnel to fill in and upload.

2.1.3 When you use our services, the information we actively collect includes but is not limited to:

(1) Operation records, we will receive and record your operation records, log records and related information when you use the 阿波罗 Proxy service.

(2) Contract information, if you need offline delivery, etc., you should provide necessary information such as contact person, contact information, address, billing information, order, etc.

2.2 If you need to join the promotion plan or become an 阿波罗 Proxy agent, you need to sign a separate agreement. In order to perform the contract, you should provide the necessary information such as contact person and contact information.

2.3 When you use our customer service or participate in the activities held by us, you will sign the contract and other material information.

2.4 Other information, such as consultation communication records. With the development of business, the product functions and services we provide may be adjusted and changed. If the purpose of processing changes, we will explain to you again and obtain your consent. We keep the above information for at least 6 months, and all operation records are kept in complete log records, and will be permanently sealed after 6 months.

3.How we use the collected information

In order to provide you with high-quality, convenient and safe services, we will use the collected information for the following purposes. If we use your information beyond the following purposes, we will explain to you again and obtain your consent.

3.1 Providing the Services to you.

3.2 To achieve the purpose stipulated in "Information We Collect" in this agreement.

3.3 Push product news, 阿波罗 Proxy dynamics and other related business news and commercial advertisements to you. For example, 阿波罗 Proxy can push commercial advertisements to you through your mobile phone number, email address and other contact information in any way such as text messages, phone calls, emails, etc., to publicize and promote 阿波罗 Proxy services.

3.4 Invite you to participate in surveys about our products and services.

3.5 Improve, optimize and improve 阿波罗 Proxy online services.

3.6 Report to relevant departments in accordance with laws, regulations or regulatory requirements.

4.Information We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose

Only under the premise of your explicit authorization/consent, we abide by relevant laws and regulations, and share, transfer, publicly disclose, and entrust processing of your information within legal, legitimate, and necessary scopes.

4.1 Sharing In order to provide you with better and high-quality products/services, we may share your information with our third-party partners. At this point, we will sign a strict confidentiality agreement with our partners, requiring them to process your personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Except as required by laws and regulations and as otherwise agreed between 阿波罗 Proxy and you, we will not share your information with any unrelated third parties without your consent. If you refuse our partners to collect personal information necessary to provide services, it may result in you being unable to use the third-party services on our platform. Usually our partners have the following categories:

4.1.1 Service providers that provide functional support for our products/services: such as payment institutions that provide payment services.

4.1.2 Information promotion and advertising partners: You confirm that we have the right to share with information promotion and advertising partners the information we use about you, the indirect user portrait formed by collection, de-identified or anonymized Analytical/statistical information and de-identified user device identification codes to help them make advertisements or decision-making suggestions, improve the effective reach of advertisements, and further understand user needs.

We promise: without your consent, we will not share personal information that can identify you.

4.2 Transfer Except for obtaining your express consent, we will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual. With the continuous development of our business, we may conduct divisions, mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will notify you of the recipient's name or names and require the recipient to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If the recipient changes the purpose and method of processing personal information stipulated in this Privacy Policy, we will require the recipient to obtain your authorization and consent again.

4.3 Information Disclosure Except for public disclosure in compliance with laws and regulations or the following circumstances, we will not publicly disclose personal information that you have not disclosed yourself or otherwise have not legally disclosed. The following exceptions apply.

4.3.1 Disclosure to third parties with your prior consent.

4.3.2 If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes.

4.3.3 According to the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial agencies, disclose to third parties or administrative and judicial agencies.

4.3.4 If you violate laws, regulations, 阿波罗 Proxy service agreements or related rules, you need to disclose to third parties.

4.3.5 In order to provide the products and services you requested, your personal information must be shared with third parties.

4.3.6 In a transaction of 阿波罗 Proxy, if any party to the transaction fulfills or partially fulfills the transaction obligations and makes a request for information disclosure, 阿波罗 Proxy has the right to decide to provide the user with the necessary information such as the contact information of the counterparty to the transaction, in order to Facilitate the completion of a transaction or the resolution of a dispute.

4.3.7 Other disclosures that 阿波罗 Proxy deems appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies.

4.4 Exceptions to sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information According to relevant laws and other regulations, we may share, transfer, and publicly disclose your information without your consent in the following situations:

4.4.1 It is necessary to provide the corresponding functions or services in "II. The information we collect", and it is necessary for the purposes described in the section in "III. How we use the information we collect".

4.4.2 Fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights in the 阿波罗 Proxy Service Agreement or this Agreement.

4.4.3 Necessary for the performance of statutory duties or obligations, such as those directly related to national security, national defense security, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments.

4.4.4 It is necessary to respond to public health emergencies, or to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergency situations.

4.4.5 Implement news reports, public opinion supervision and other acts for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable range.

4.4.6 Personal information disclosed by the user to the public.

4.4.7 Personal information is collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

5.How do we use cookies and related technologies

When you use our products/services, we may use cookies and similar technologies to collect some of your personal information, such as your website visiting habits, browsing information, login information, etc. The specific purposes of our use of cookies include:

5.1 Remembering Your Identity. For example: Cookies help us identify you as our registered user, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter your account number to use our services.

5.2 Analyze your use of our services, understand your specific purposes for using our services, and which web pages or services are most popular with you, so as to provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services.

5.3 You can reject or manage cookies through your browser settings. However, please note that if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use our related products/services or obtain the best service experience through our products/services, and the availability of certain functions may be affected.

5.4 This agreement will also apply to relevant information recorded through 阿波罗 Proxy Cookie.

6.Information storage location and period

6.1 We will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting irrelevant user information. We will only retain your user information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless permitted by law. After the above-mentioned user information retention period is exceeded, we will delete or anonymize your personal information. However, we may need to retain your information or part of it for a longer period of time under the following circumstances:

6.1.1 According to laws and regulations and other relevant regulations, we should keep it for a long time.

6.1.2 The effective court judgments, rulings or other legal procedures require us to keep them for a long time.

6.1.3 Administrative, judicial or other competent authorities require us to keep it for a long time.

6.1.4 It is necessary to implement the relevant service agreement or this privacy agreement, handle complaints/disputes, or protect social interests, personal and property safety or other legitimate rights and interests of others.

7.Information Security

7.1 In order to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized reading or disclosure of information, we will strive to use the following security technologies and measures to protect your user information:

7.1.1 We take various reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your user information. Protect user information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss.

7.1.2 We have established strict management systems and processes to ensure information security. For example, we strictly limit the scope of personnel who can access information, only authorized personnel can access user information, and require relevant personnel to abide by confidentiality obligations.

7.1.3 In the unfortunate event of a user information security incident (leakage, loss, etc.), we will promptly inform you by sending emails, push notifications, announcements, etc.: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will Disposal measures taken, suggestions for self-prevention and risk reduction, remedial measures for you, etc. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

7.2 In order to better protect your information security, we recommend that you strengthen your self-protection awareness and measures. Please keep your information safe and avoid disclosure. We are only liable to the extent that your information is leaked directly due to the fault of 阿波罗 Proxy.

8.How do you manage your own information

During your use of our services, you may access and modify your user information. We will collect, use and store your information in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations or the agreement of both parties.

9.Changes to the agreement

9.1 Due to policy changes, business adjustments, changes in technology and services, etc., we reserve the right to amend the terms of this agreement, and such amendments constitute a part of this agreement. We will notify you by posting on the official website and other means before the updated Privacy Policy takes effect. If you continue to use our services after notification, you agree to accept the revised content. We will not reduce your rights under this agreement unless you expressly agree. If the aforementioned amendments may result in a substantial reduction or major change of your rights under this Agreement, we will seek your express consent again.

9.2 Major changes include but are not limited to:

9.2.1 Significant changes have taken place in our service model. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the way the personal information is used, etc.

9.2.2 We have undergone significant changes in ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc.

9.2.3 The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed.

9.2.4 Your right to participate in the processing of personal information and how to exercise it has undergone major changes.

9.2.5 Our responsible departments, contact methods and complaint channels for handling personal information security have changed;

9.2.6 When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

10.Contact us

If you have any questions about this agreement or other related matters, you can send them to our corporate email address:, and we will review and deal with the issues involved as soon as possible.