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微信扫一扫 联系专属客户经理


微信扫一扫 联系专属客户经理

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微信扫一扫 联系专属客户经理



Terms Of Service



















服务条款是用户("您")与公司(以下简称为"阿波罗"或"我们")之间就的官方网站(, "本网站")服务等相关事宜所签订的合同,请您仔细阅读,若您通过勾选、点击确认或以其他方式表示接受本协议,或您以任何方式使用服务的,即视为您已充分阅读、理解并同意接受本协议的约束,同时本协议即在您与之间产生法律效力。


1.1 您在使用本服务之前,已经充分阅读、理解并接受本服务条款的全部内容(尤其是突出显示的内容),一旦您选择"同意"并完成账号注册或使用本服务,即表示您同意遵循本服务条款之所有约定。您使用服务的行为将被视为对本协议及《隐私协议》全部内容的认可。

1.2 您同意:保留随时更新本协议即相应服务规则内容的权利。如果更新了本附录,将通过发布官网公告的形式通知您。如您不同意更改,则您有权在新的协议或服务规则生效日期之前终止使用本服务。若您在新的协议或服务规则生效日期之后继续使用本服务视为接受新的协议或服务规则并放弃根据本条终止服务的权利。

1.3 在您完成账号注册或以其他允许的方式实际使用本服务时,您应当是具备完全民事权利能力和完全民事行为能力法律主体。若您不具备前述与您行为相适应的民事行为能力,则应获得法定监护人的知情同意。如您尚未成年,请在法定监护人的陪同下阅读和判断是否同意本协议。未成年人行使和履行本协议项下的权利和义务视为已获得法定监护人的认可。



2.2 的服务是指向您提供的,具体服务以实际提供的为准(以下简称"本服务")。

2.1.2 在特殊情况下,您委托并授权我们的员工或者合作伙伴代您上传、提交的相关信息,例如您委托我们的客服人员填写、上传的您的相应信息。


2.4 仅对本服务条款中列明的责任承担范围负责。

2.5 对于因本服务条款有关或由本服务条款引起的违约、侵权等导致的任何间接的、惩罚性的、特殊的、派生的损失(包括业务损失、收益损失、利润损失、使用数据、商誉或其他经济利益的损失),不论是如何产生的,均不承担任何责任,即使事先已被告知可能发生此等损失。


3.1 为使用服务,您需要注册账号(以下简称"账号")。在您按照注册页面提示填写信息、阅读并同意本服务条款且完成注册后,或您以其他允许的方式实际使用本网站服务时,您即受本服务条款约束。

3.2 您应依法具备必要、适当的权利能力和行为能力,已授予操作人足够的权利完成注册过程。您承诺提供的注册资料真实、准确、完整、合法有效,您的注册资料如有变动的,应及时更新注册资料。您应对注册获得的账号项下的一切行为承担全部责任,不得侵犯包括但不限于在内的任何主体的合法权益。

3.3 您同意或接受:在必要地情况下,我们有权使用您的注册信息、用户名、密码等信息,登录进入您的注册账户,进行证据保全,包括但不限于公证、见证等。

3.4 账号仅限于您自身使用,未经同意,您不得将账号以任何方式提供给他人使用。您应为账号下的行为负责,账号下的所有操作行为均被视为您实施,且应由您承担全部法律后果。

3.5 特别提醒您应妥善保管您的帐号和密码。当您使用完毕后,应安全退出。因您保管不善可能导致遭受被盗号或密码失窃,责任由您自行承担。





4.4 承诺会根据《隐私政策》对您资料采取对外保密措施,不向第三方披露您资料,不授权第三方使用您资料,除非:








4.6 您同意:为了更好地为您提供服务,我们可能会在您提供信息地基础上,不定期地通过邮件、短信、电话等形式,向您发送订单信息、促销活动等,同时保障您被告知信息的权利。


5.1.1 您依本协议条款所取得的权利仅您本人享有,不可转让。

5.1.2 您不得使用任何方式(包括但不限于第三方软件、插件、系统、设备等)对本服务进行干扰、破坏、修改或施加其他影响。

5.1.3 您应当通过提供或认可的方式使用本服务。

5.1.4 您应当理解,您使用本服务需自行准备与相关服务有关的终端设备(如电脑、移动终端和必要的网络接入设备等装置),并承担所需的费用(如电话费、上网费等费用)。

5.1.5 您理解并同意,您使用本服务时会耗用您的终端设备和带宽等资源。

5.2 服务费用

5.2.1 可能根据实际需要对收费服务的收费标准、方式进行修改和变更,也可能会对部分免费服务开始收费。前述修改、变更或开始收费前,将在官网进行通知或公告。如果您不同意上述修改、变更或付费内容,则应停止使用该服务。

5.2.2 在降低收费服务的收费标准或者将收费服务改为免费服务提供时,保留不对原付费用户提供退费或者费用调整之权利。

5.2.3 您知晓并同意,发生如下情形之一的,将对您名下账户资金进行部分或全部冻结:













5.4 服务中止、变更、终止

5.4.1 您理解并同意,为了向您提供更加完善的服务,可能会进行例行、有计划的维护,可能导致您所使用服务短时间的中断或暂停,且基于经营策略的调整,可能会对服务内容进行变更,同样可能会导致服务中断或终止,对于此类维护导致的服务中断或暂停,无需向您承担任何责任。


5.4.3 您有责任自行备份存储在本服务中的数据。如果您的服务被终止,有权从服务器上永久地封存您的数据,法律法规另有规定的除外。服务中止或终止后,没有义务向您提供或返还数据。

5.4.4 在发生合并、分立、收购、资产转让时,可向第三方转让本服务下相关资产;也可在单方通知您后,将本协议下部分或全部服务及相应的权利义务转交由第三方运营或履行。具体受让主体以的通知为准。

5.4.5 如发生下列任何一种情形,有权不经通知而中断或终止向您提供服务:








7.1 您在使用本服务时须遵守法律法规,不得制作、复制、发布、传播含有下列内容的信息或从事相关行为,也不得为制作、复制、发布、传播含有下列内容的信息或从事相关行为提供便利:











7.2 如果您在使用本服务过程中违反了相关法律法规或本协议约定,相关国家机关或机构可能会对您提起诉讼、罚款或采取其他制裁措施,并要求给予协助。因此给您或者他人造成损害的,您应自行承担全部责任,不承担任何责任。

7.3 如果您违反本协议约定,有权进行独立判断并采取相应措施。同时,有权视您的行为性质,采取包括但不限于暂停或终止向您提供服务,限制、中止、冻结或终止您对帐号使用,追究法律责任等措施。

7.4 您违反本协议约定,导致任何主体损失的,您应当独立承担责任;因此遭受损失的,您也应当一并赔偿。

7.5 您须对自己在网上的言论和行为承担法律责任,您若在本网站上散布和传播反动、色情或其它违反国家法律的信息,本网站的系统记录有可能作为您违反法律的证据。


8.1 在本服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片等)的知识产权归所有,您在使用本服务中所产生内容的知识产权归您或相关权利人所有,除非您与另有约定。

8.2 除另有特别声明外,提供本服务时所依托的著作权、专利权及其他知识产权均归所有。

8.3 在本服务中所使用的“”、logo等商业标识,其著作权或商标权归所有。




9.1 不可抗力指协议各方所不能预见、或为各方所不能克服、不能避免的客观情况,包括但不限于:



9.1.3社会异常现象:如骚乱、疾病、战争、罢工(但不包括各方内部劳资纠纷)等;其他不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或各方造成重大影响的事件。 出现上述情况时,将及时与有关部门配合,争取尽快进行处理,但是由此给您造成的损失,在法律允许的范围内免责。

9.2 因不可抗力导致任何一方("受影响方")无法履行本协议下的全部或部分义务,不视为受影响方违约,受影响方不承担因不可抗力导致的未履行或迟延履行本协议义务导致相对方遭受的任何损害、损失、或增加之费用。

9.3 您理解并同意,鉴于互联网产品服务的特性, 在法律允许的范围内,对以下情形导致的服务异常不承担责任:







10.1 您在使用本服务过程中应当遵守当地相关的法律法规,并尊重当地的道德和风俗习惯。如果您的行为违反了当地法律法规或道德风俗,您应当为此独立承担责任。

10.2 您应避免因使用本服务而使违反法律法规或卷入政治和公共事件,否则有权暂停或终止对您的服务。


11.1 您通过本服务发送或传播的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)均由您自行承担责任。

11.2 如果您发送或传播的内容违法违规或侵犯他人权利的,有权进行独立判断并采取包括但不限于暂停或终止向您提供服务,限制、中止、冻结或终止您对帐号使用。

11.3 如您被他人投诉或您投诉他人,有权将争议中相关方的主体信息、联系方式、投诉相关内容等必要信息提供给相关当事方或相关部门,以便及时解决投诉纠纷,保护各方合法权益。

11.4 您保证对您在投诉处理程序中提供的信息、材料、证据等的真实性、合法性、有效性负责。


12.1 您理解并同意,可依据自行判断,通过网页公告、电子邮件、手机短信或常规的信件传送等方式向您发出通知,且您确保您所提供的联系信息是完整、准确且当前有效的,上述通知于发送之日视为已送达收件人。如发生变更,需以各种提供的方式及时向提供变更后的信息,向您提供的联系信息发送通知后即视为送达,而无论该联系信息事实上是否由您本人继续使用。。

12.2 您应当通过对外正式公布的通信邮寄地址、传真号码、电子邮件地址、社交平台等即时通讯方式或其他联系信息进行送达您给发送的通知。


13.1 您使用本服务即视为您已阅读本协议、《数据隐私协议》并接受本协议、《隐私协议》的约束。

13.2 保留对本协议条款的修改权,修改后将会在官网发布或通过您预留的联系方式向您发送通知。您可以在相关服务页面查阅最新版本的协议条款。

13.3 本协议条款变更后,如果您继续使用提供的服务,即视为您已接受变更后的协议。






Terms Of Service


















使用者服務協定是用戶("您")與公司(以下簡稱為"阿波罗"或"我們")之間就的官方網站(,"本網站")服務等相關事宜所簽訂的契约,請您仔細閱讀,若您通過勾選、點擊確認或以其他管道表示接受本協定,或您以任何管道使用服務的, 即視為您已充分閱讀、理解並同意接受本協定的約束,同時本協定即在您與之間產生法律效力。


1.1您在使用本服務之前,已經充分閱讀、理解並接受本服務條款的全部內容(尤其是突出顯示的內容),一旦您選擇"同意"並完成帳號注册或使用本服務,即表示您同意遵循本服務條款之所有約定。 您使用服務的行為將被視為對本協定及《隱私協議》全部內容的認可。

1.2您同意:保留隨時更新本協定即相應服務規則內容的權利。 如果更新了本附錄,將通過發佈官網公告的形式通知您。 如您不同意更改,則您有權在新的協定或服務規則生效日期之前終止使用本服務。 若您在新的協定或服務規則生效日期之後繼續使用本服務視為接受新的協定或服務規則並放弃根據本條終止服務的權利。

1.3在您完成帳號注册或以其他允許的管道實際使用本服務時,您應當是具備完全民事權利能力和完全民事行為能力法律主體。 若您不具備前述與您行為相適應的民事行為能力,則應獲得法定監護人的知情同意。 如您尚未成年,請在法定監護人的陪同下閱讀和判斷是否同意本協定。 未成年人行使和履行本協定項下的權利和義務視為已獲得法定監護人的認可。


2.1本協定是用戶與之間關於使用的服務所訂立的協定。 ""是指和/或其相關服務可能存在的運營關聯組織。 "用戶"是指的服務的使用人/使用企業(包括但不限於註冊用戶、免費用戶,協力廠商通路登入用戶及合作夥伴、商所屬用戶),在本協定中更多地稱為"您"。

2.2 的服務是指向您提供的,具體服務以實際提供的為准(以下簡稱"本服務")。


2.3本協定內容同時包括《隱私協議》(鏈接位址),且您在使用某一特定服務時,該服務可能會另有單獨的協定、相關業務規則等(以下統稱為"單獨協定")。 上述內容一經正式發佈,即為本協定不可分割的組成部分,您同樣應當遵守。 您對前述任何單獨協定的接受,即視為您對本協定全部的接受。 您對本協定的接受,即視為您對《隱私協議》的接受。

2.4 僅對本服務條款中列明的責任承擔範圍負責。

2.5 對於因本服務條款有關或由本服務條款引起的違約、侵權等導致的任何間接的、懲罰性的、特殊的、派生的損失(包括業務損失、收益損失、利潤損失、使用數據、商譽或其他經濟利益的損失),不論是如何產生的,均不承擔任何責任,即使事先已被告知可能發生此等損失。


3.1為使用服務,您需要注册帳號(以下簡稱"帳號")。 在您按照注册頁面提示填寫資訊、閱讀並同意本服務條款且完成注册後,或您以其他允許的管道實際使用本網站服務時,您即受本服務條款約束。

3.2您應依法具備必要、適當的權利能力和行為能力,已授予操作人足够的權利完成注册過程。 您承諾提供的注册資料真實、準確、完整、合法有效,您的注册資料如有變動的,應及時更新注册資料。 您應對注册獲得的帳號項下的一切行為承擔全部責任,不得侵犯包括但不限於在內的任何主體的合法權益。


3.4 帳號僅限於您自身使用,未經同意,您不得將帳號以任何管道提供給他人使用。 您應為帳號下的行為負責,帳號下的所有操作行為均被視為您實施,且應由您承擔全部法律後果。

3.5 特別提醒您應妥善保管您的帳號和密碼。 當您使用完畢後,應安全退出。 因您保管不善可能導致遭受被盜號或密碼失竊,責任由您自行承擔。


4.1保護用戶個人資訊是的一項基本原則。 將按照本協定及《隱私政策》(鏈接位址)的規定收集、使用、儲存您的個人資訊。 本協定對個人資訊保護相關內容未作明確規定的,均應以《隱私政策》的內容為准。

4.2您在註冊帳號或使用本服務的過程中,需要填寫一些必要的資訊。 若您填寫的資訊不完整,則可能無法使用本服務或在使用過程中受到限制。


4.4 承諾會根據《隱私政策》對您資料採取對外保密措施,不向協力廠商披露您資料,不授權協力廠商使用您資料,除非:
















5.2.1 可能根據實際需要對收費服務的收費標準、管道進行修改和變更,也可能會對部分免費服務開始收費。 前述修改、變更或開始收費前,將在官網進行通知或公告。 如果您不同意上述修改、變更或付費內容,則應停止使用該服務。










(1)本服務是按照現有科技和條件所能達到的現狀提供的。 會盡最大努力保障服務的連貫性和安全性,但不能隨時預見和防範法律、科技以及其他風險,對此類風險在法律允許的範圍內免責,包括但不限於不可抗力、病毒、木馬、駭客攻擊、系統不穩定、協力廠商服務瑕疵、政府行為等原因可能導致的服務中斷、 資料丟失以及其他的損失和風險。


(3)服務價格、數量、是否有貨等資訊隨時都有可能發生變動,我們將不會對此作特別通知。 我們會盡最大努力保證您在官方網頁所瀏覽資訊的準確性,但由於眾所周知的互聯網科技因素等客觀原因存在,官方網頁顯示的資訊可能會有一定的滯後性或差錯,對此情形您知悉並理解,並在使用服務時以實際情況為准。

(4)除非另有明確的書面說明,我們提供給您的全部資訊、內容、資料、產品或服務,均是在"按現狀"和"按現有"的基礎上提供的。 除非另有明確的書面說明,我們不對本網站的運營及其包含在本網站上的資訊、內容、資料、產品或服務作任何形式的、明示或默示的聲明或擔保。

(5)我們不擔保本網站所包含的或以其它管道通過本網站提供給您的全部資訊、內容、資料、產品和服務、其服務器或從本站發出的電子信件、資訊沒有病毒或其他有害成分。 如因不可抗力或其它本站無法控制的原因使本站銷售系統崩潰或無法正常使用導致網上交易無法完成或遺失有關的資訊、記錄等,我們會合理地盡力協助處理善後事宜。



5.4.2有權按本協議約定進行收費。 若您未按時足額付費,有權中斷、中止或終止提供服務。

5.4.3您有責任自行備份存儲在本服務中的數據。 如果您的服務被終止,有權從服務器上永久地封存您的數據,法律法規另有規定的除外。 服務中止或終止後,沒有義務向您提供或返還數據。

5.4.4在發生合併、分立、收購、資產轉讓時,可向協力廠商轉讓本服務下相關資產; 也可在單方通知您後,將本協定下部分或全部服務及相應的權利義務轉交由協力廠商運營或履行。 具體受讓主體以的通知為准。







若您通過網站獲取、使用協力廠商提供的產品或服務,此時協力廠商產品和服務的運營方與您建立相應的服務關係,並向您承擔產品和服務的責任。 根據服務規則約定僅在自身責任範圍內向您承擔相應責任。













7.2如果您在使用本服務過程中違反了相關法律法規或本協議約定,相關國家機關或機构可能會對您提起訴訟、罰款或採取其他制裁措施,並要求給予協助。 囙此給您或者他人造成損害的,您應自行承擔全部責任,不承擔任何責任。

7.3如果您違反本協議約定,有權進行獨立判斷並採取相應措施。 同時,有權視您的行為性質,採取包括但不限於暫停或終止向您提供服務,限制、中止、凍結或終止您對帳號使用,追究法律責任等措施。

7.4您違反本協議約定,導致任何主體損失的,您應當獨立承擔責任; 囙此遭受損失的,您也應當一併賠償。



8.1 在本服務中提供的內容(包括但不限於網頁、文字、圖片等)的知識產權歸所有,您在使用本服務中所產生內容的知識產權歸您或相關權利人所有,除非您與另有約定。


8.3 在本服務中所使用的“”、logo等商業標識,其著作權或商標權歸所有。







9.1.3社會異常現象:如騷亂、疾病、戰爭、罷工(但不包括各方內部勞資糾紛)等; 其他不能預見、不能克服並不能避免且對一方或各方造成重大影響的事件。 出現上述情况時,將及時與有關部門配合,爭取儘快進行處理,但是由此給您造成的損失,在法律允許的範圍內免責。









10.1您在使用本服務過程中應當遵守當地相關的法律法規,並尊重當地的道德和風俗習慣。 如果您的行為違反了當地法律法規或道德風俗,您應當為此獨立承擔責任。








12.1您理解並同意,可依據自行判斷,通過網頁公告、電子郵件、手機短信或常規的信件傳送等管道向您發出通知,且您確保您所提供的聯系資訊是完整、準確且當前有效的,上述通知於發送之日視為已送達收件人。 如發生變更,需以各種提供的管道及時向提供變更後的資訊,向您提供的聯系資訊發送通知後即視為送達,而無論該聯系資訊事實上是否由您本人繼續使用。。




13.2 保留對本協定條款的修改權,修改後將會在官網發佈或通過您預留的聯繫方式向您發送通知。 您可以在相關服務頁面查閱最新版本的協定條款。



如果您對本協定或本服務有意見或建議,可以隨時與我們聯系,我們會給予您必要的幫助。 企業郵箱:

Terms Of Service

Terms Of Service



Catalog Overview


2.Scope of Agreement

3.Account and password security

4.Protection of privacy and other user personal information


6.Products or services provided by third parties

7.User violations of laws and regulations

8.Intellectual Property Rights

9.Force Majeure and Exemption

10.Compliance with local laws and regulations

11.Content you send and disseminate and complaint handling

12.Delivery of notices

13.Effectiveness and Modification of the Agreement


Terms Of Service

The latest update time of the agreement:2023-09-14

The Terms Of Service is between the user ("you") and the company (hereinafter referred to as "阿波罗" or "we") regarding 's official website (, "this website") services, etc. Please read the contract signed on related matters carefully. If you accept this agreement by checking, clicking to confirm or otherwise, or if you use services in any way, it is deemed that you have fully read, understood and Agree to be bound by this agreement, and this agreement will create legal effect between you and .

Article 1 General

1.1 Before using this service, you have fully read, understood and accepted the entire content of this service term (especially the highlighted content). Once you choose "agree" and complete account registration or use this service, you agree to follow All agreements in this Terms of Service. Your use of the service will be deemed an acknowledgment of this agreement and the entire content of the " Privacy Agreement".

1.2 You agree: reserves the right to update this agreement, that is, the content of the corresponding service rules at any time. If updates this appendix, will notify you by publishing an announcement on the official website. If you do not agree to the changes, you have the right to terminate the use of the service before the effective date of the new agreement or service rules. If you continue to use the service after the effective date of the new agreement or service rules, you are deemed to accept the new agreement or service rules and waive the right to terminate the service in accordance with this article.

1.3 When you complete account registration or actually use the service in other ways permitted by , you should be a legal subject with full capacity for civil rights and full capacity for civil conduct. If you do not have the aforementioned capacity for civil conduct appropriate to your behavior, you should obtain the informed consent of your legal guardian. If you are underage, please read and judge whether you agree to this agreement accompanied by your legal guardian. Minors who exercise and perform the rights and obligations under this Agreement are deemed to have obtained the approval of their legal guardians.

Article 2 Scope of Agreement

2.1 This agreement is an agreement between the user and regarding the use of 's services. "" refers to the possible operating affiliates of and/or its related services. "User" refers to the user/enterprise of 's services (including but not limited to registered users, free users, third-party channel login users, partners, and agency users), more referred to in this agreement as "you".

2.2 The service of refers to the service provided by to you, and the specific service is subject to the actual service provided by (hereinafter referred to as "the service").

2.1.2 在特殊情况下,您委托并授权我们的员工或者合作伙伴代您上传、提交的相关信息,例如您委托我们的客服人员填写、上传的您的相应信息。

2.3 The content of this agreement also includes the " Privacy Agreement" , and when you use a specific service of , the service may have separate agreements, relevant business rules, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "separate agreements") "). Once the above content is officially released, it is an integral part of this agreement, and you should also abide by it. Your acceptance of any of the aforementioned individual agreements shall be deemed your acceptance of this Agreement in its entirety. Your acceptance of this agreement is deemed your acceptance of the " Privacy Agreement".

2.4 is only responsible for the scope of responsibility listed in the Terms of Service.

2.5 shall be liable for any indirect, punitive, special and derivative losses (including business loss, revenue loss, profit loss, usage data, commercial loss of reputation or other economic benefits), no matter how it arises, shall not bear any responsibility, even if it has been informed in advance that such loss may occur.

Article 3 Account and password security

3.1 In order to use the service, you need to register an account (hereinafter referred to as "account"). After you fill in the information according to the prompts on the registration page, read and agree to the terms of service and complete the registration, or when you actually use the services of this website in other ways permitted by , you are bound by the terms of service.

3.2 You should have the necessary and appropriate rights and capacity in accordance with the law, and have granted the operator sufficient rights to complete the registration process. You promise that the registration information you provide is true, accurate, complete, legal and valid. If there is any change in your registration information, you should update the registration information in time. You shall be fully responsible for all actions under the registered account, and shall not infringe upon the legal rights of any subject including but not limited to .

3.3 You agree or accept: when necessary, we have the right to use your registration information, user name, password and other information to log in to your registered account for evidence preservation, including but not limited to notarization and witnessing.

3.4 The account is limited to your own use. Without the consent of , you may not provide the account to others in any way. You should be responsible for the actions under the account, and all operations under the account are deemed to be performed by you, and you should bear all legal consequences.

3.5 specially reminds you to keep your account and password properly. When you're done using it, you should log out safely. Your account number or password may be stolen due to your poor storage, and you shall be solely responsible for it.

Article 4 Protection of privacy and other user personal information

4.1 Protecting users' personal information is a basic principle of . will collect, use, and store your personal information in accordance with this agreement and the " Privacy Policy". If this agreement does not clearly stipulate the content related to the protection of personal information, the content of the " Privacy Policy" shall prevail.

4.2 During the process of registering an account or using this service, you need to fill in some necessary information. If the information you fill in is incomplete, you may not be able to use this service or be restricted during use.

4.3 Under normal circumstances, you can browse and modify the information you submit according to the relevant product rules.

4.4 promises to take external confidentiality measures for your information in accordance with the " Privacy Policy", not to disclose your information to third parties, and not to authorize third parties to use your information, unless:

(1) It can be provided in accordance with this user agreement or other documents between you and ;

(2) According to the provisions of laws and regulations, it should be provided;

(3) Administrative, judicial and other relevant national departments require to provide;

(4) You agree to provide to third parties;

(5) Submitted by to resolve reported incidents and file lawsuits;

(6) Required by to take necessary and reasonable measures to prevent violations of laws and regulations and crimes;

(7) provides you with products, services, and information to third parties, including the situation that provides you with products, services, and information through third-party technologies and services.

4.5 only provides corresponding security measures according to the existing technology to keep the information managed by from being lost, but does not promise to guarantee the absolute security of such information.

4.6 You agree: In order to provide you with better services, we may, based on the information you provide, send you order information, promotions, etc. from time to time through emails, text messages, phone calls, etc. The right to be informed.

Article 5 Services

5.1 How to use the service

5.1.1 The rights obtained by you in accordance with the terms of this agreement are only enjoyed by you and cannot be transferred.

5.1.2 You shall not use any means (including but not limited to third-party software, plug-ins, systems, equipment, etc.) to interfere, destroy, modify or exert other influence on this service.

5.1.3 You should use the service through the methods provided or approved by .

5.1.4 You should understand that you need to prepare terminal equipment related to related services (such as computers, mobile terminals, and necessary network access equipment) to use this service, and bear the required expenses (such as telephone charges, Internet access, etc.) fees, etc.).

5.1.5 You understand and agree that your use of this service will consume resources such as your terminal equipment and bandwidth.

5.2 Service Fees

5.2.1 may modify and change the charging standards and methods of paid services according to actual needs, and may also start charging for some free services. will notify or announce on the official website before the aforementioned modification, change or start of charging. If you do not agree to the above modifications, changes or paid content, you should stop using the service.

5.2.2 reserves the right not to provide refunds or fee adjustments to original paying users when lowers the charging standards for fee-based services or changes fee-based services to free services.

5.2.3 You know and agree that will freeze part or all of the funds in your account under one of the following circumstances:

(1) Provisions of national laws, policies and regulations, and effective legal documents;

(2) Freezing is required by the relevant national authorities;

(3) Your use of services is suspected of violating laws and regulations;

(4) You have been complained by others, and the other party has provided preliminary evidence, so that has reason to believe that the complaint exists:

(5) Other situations that believes may cause risks based on its own reasonable judgment.

5.3 Services provided on an as-is basis

You understand and agree that:

(1) This service is provided according to the status quo that the existing technology and conditions can achieve. will do its best to ensure the continuity and security of the service, but cannot foresee and prevent legal, technical and other risks at any time. is exempt from such risks to the extent permitted by law, including but not limited to force majeure, Service interruption, data loss, and other losses and risks that may be caused by viruses, Trojan horses, hacker attacks, system instability, third-party service defects, and government actions.

(2) may make product or service adjustments based on business strategies or other development needs. The specific content of services available to users in different regions may vary, and the specific content provided by shall prevail.

(3) Information such as the price, quantity, and availability of services may change at any time, and we will not make special notices. We will do our best to ensure the accuracy of the information you browse on the official website of . However, due to objective reasons such as well-known Internet technology factors, the information displayed on the official website of may have a certain lag or error. You know and understand the situation, and the actual situation shall prevail when using the service.

(4) Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, all information, content, materials, products or services we provide to you are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this website or the information, content, materials, products or services contained on this website.

(5) We do not guarantee that all information, content, materials, products and services contained in this website or provided to you through this website in other ways, its servers or electronic letters and information sent from this website are free of viruses or other harmful Element. If due to force majeure or other reasons beyond the control of this site, the sales system of this site crashes or cannot be used normally, resulting in the inability to complete online transactions or loss of relevant information, records, etc., we will do our best to assist in dealing with the aftermath.

5.4 Service Suspension, Change, Termination

5.4.1 You understand and agree that in order to provide you with better services, may conduct routine and planned maintenance, which may result in short-term interruption or suspension of the services you use, and based on business strategy adjustments, The content of the service may be changed, which may also lead to service interruption or termination, and shall not be liable to you for any service interruption or suspension caused by such maintenance.

5.4.2 has the right to charge according to this agreement. If you fail to pay in full and on time, has the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of services.

5.4.3 You are responsible for backing up the data stored in the Service by yourself. If your service is terminated, has the right to permanently seal your data from the server, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. After the service is suspended or terminated, is not obliged to provide or return data to you.

5.4.4 In the event of merger, division, acquisition, or asset transfer of , may transfer the relevant assets under this service to a third party; may also transfer some or all of the services under this agreement and the corresponding services after unilaterally notifying you. The rights and obligations of the website are transferred to a third party for operation or performance. The specific transferee is subject to the notice of .

5.4.5 In case of any of the following situations, has the right to interrupt or terminate the service to you without notice:

(1) According to laws and regulations, you should submit real information, but the personal information you provide is not true, or is inconsistent with the information at the time of registration and fails to provide reasonable proof;

(2) You violate the provisions of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement;

(3) In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, it is necessary for the execution of orders from competent authorities such as courts, government agencies, and judicial agencies;

(4) To deal with emergencies or other necessary situations of service security or integrity.

Article 6 Products or services provided by third parties

If you obtain and use products or services provided by a third party through the website, the operator of the third-party products and services will establish a corresponding service relationship with you and assume responsibility for the products and services to you. will only assume corresponding responsibilities to you within the scope of its own responsibilities according to the service rules.

Article 7 User violations of laws and regulations

7.1 You must abide by laws and regulations when using this service, and you are not allowed to produce, copy, publish, or disseminate information containing the following content or engage in related activities, nor provide any assistance for the production, reproduction, publication, or dissemination of information containing the following content or engage in related activities. convenient:

(1) Objecting to the basic principles established by the law;

(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

(5) Undermining the state's religious policy, promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability;

(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;

(8) Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(9) Violating the requirements of the "seven bottom lines" of the bottom line of laws and regulations, the bottom line of the socialist system, the bottom line of national interests, the bottom line of citizens' legitimate rights and interests, the bottom line of social public order, the bottom line of morality, and the bottom line of information authenticity;

(10) Prohibited by relevant laws and regulations or this agreement, related agreements, rules, etc.

7.2 If you violate relevant laws and regulations or this agreement during the use of this service, relevant state agencies or institutions may file a lawsuit, impose a fine or take other sanctions against you, and require to provide assistance. Therefore, if any damage is caused to you or others, you shall bear all the responsibilities yourself, and shall not bear any responsibility.

7.3 If you violate this agreement, has the right to make independent judgments and take corresponding measures. At the same time, has the right to take measures including but not limited to suspending or terminating the service to you, restricting, suspending, freezing or terminating your use of the account, and pursuing legal responsibilities, depending on the nature of your behavior.

7.4 If you violate this agreement and cause any loss to the subject, you shall be solely responsible; if suffers losses as a result, you shall also compensate for it.

7.5 You shall bear legal responsibility for your speech and actions on the Internet. If you disseminate and disseminate reactionary, pornographic or other information that violates national laws on this website, the system records of this website may be used as evidence of your violation of the law.

Article 8 Intellectual Property Rights

8.1 The intellectual property rights of the content provided by in this service (including but not limited to webpages, text, pictures, etc.) belong to , and the intellectual property rights of the content generated during your use of this service belong to you or the relevant right holders, Unless you agree otherwise with .

8.2 Unless otherwise specifically stated, the copyrights, patents and other intellectual property rights that relies on to provide this service are owned by .

8.3 The copyright or trademark rights of "", logo and other commercial marks used by in this service belong to .

8.4 The intellectual property rights of the above and any other content contained in this service are protected by laws and regulations. Without the written permission of , you or relevant rights holders, no one may use or create related derivative works in any form.

8.5 It is your duty to respect intellectual property rights. If there is any violation, you shall be liable for damages.

Article 9 Force Majeure and Exemption

9.1 Force majeure refers to objective circumstances that cannot be foreseen by the parties to the agreement, or cannot be overcome or avoided by the parties, including but not limited to:

9.1.1 Natural disasters: such as floods, hail, tsunamis, typhoons, droughts, fires, etc.;

9.1.2 Government actions: For example, government authorities promulgate or adjust or change policies, laws, regulations, and adopt new behavior measures, which lead to the inability to perform the agreement;

9.1.3 Abnormal social phenomena: such as riots, diseases, wars, strikes (but not including internal labor disputes of the parties), etc.; other unforeseen, insurmountable and unavoidable events that have a major impact on one or all parties. When the above situation occurs, will cooperate with relevant departments in a timely manner and try to deal with it as soon as possible, but will not be liable for the losses caused to you to the extent permitted by law.

9.2 The inability of any party (“affected party”) to perform all or part of its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure shall not be deemed as a breach of contract by the affected party, and the affected party shall not be liable for failure to perform or delay in performing its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure. Any damages, losses, or increased costs suffered by the counterparty.

9.3 You understand and agree that, in view of the characteristics of Internet products and services, shall not be liable for abnormal services caused by the following circumstances to the extent permitted by law:

(1) Service interruption or delay caused by computer viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, hacker attacks, technical adjustments or failures of the telecommunications department, etc.;

(2) The software, hardware equipment, system, and communication lines you manage and maintain fail, resulting in the failure of the service and other derivative damages;

(3) Your improper operation, wrong operation or your use of this service in a way not authorized by ;

(4) The outdated version of the program, the aging of the equipment and/or its compatibility issues;

(5) Other circumstances that are not caused by the fault of and cannot be controlled or reasonably foreseen by .

Article 10 Compliance with local laws and regulations

10.1 You should abide by relevant local laws and regulations, and respect local ethics and customs when using this service. If your behavior violates local laws and regulations or moral customs, you should be solely responsible for it.

10.2 You should avoid using this service to make violate laws and regulations or get involved in political and public events, otherwise has the right to suspend or terminate your service.

Article 11 Content you send and disseminate and complaint handling

11.1 You are solely responsible for the content (including but not limited to web pages, text, pictures, audio, video, charts, etc.) that you send or disseminate through this service.

11.2 If the content you send or disseminate violates laws and regulations or infringes the rights of others, has the right to make independent judgments and take actions including but not limited to suspending or terminating services to you, restricting, suspending, freezing or terminating your use of the account.

11.3 If you are complained by others or you complain to others, has the right to provide the relevant parties or departments with necessary information such as the subject information, contact information, and content of the complaint in order to resolve the complaint in a timely manner and protect the The legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

11.4 You promise to be responsible for the authenticity, legality, and validity of the information, materials, and evidence you provide during the complaint handling procedure.

Article 12 Delivery of notices

12.1 You understand and agree that may, based on its own judgment, notify you through webpage announcements, emails, mobile phone text messages or regular mail delivery, and you ensure that the contact information you provide is complete, accurate and currently valid , the above notice shall be deemed to have been delivered to the addressee on the date of sending. In case of any change, it is necessary to provide with the changed information in a timely manner in various ways provided by . After sends a notification to the contact information provided by you, it will be deemed delivered, regardless of whether the contact information is actually provided by you. I continue to use it.

12.2 You should deliver the notice you send to through instant messaging methods such as communication mailing address, fax number, email address, social platform, or other contact information officially announced by .

Article 13 Effectiveness and Modification of the Agreement

13.1 By using this service, you are deemed to have read this agreement and the " Data Privacy Agreement" and accepted the constraints of this agreement and the " Privacy Agreement".

13.2 reserves the right to modify the terms of this agreement. After the modification, it will publish it on the official website or send you a notice through the contact information you reserved. You can check the latest version of the agreement terms on the relevant service page.

13.3 After the terms of this agreement are changed, if you continue to use the services provided by , you will be deemed to have accepted the changed agreement.

Article 14 Others

Article 14 Others